Introduction to Web and HTML

Introduction to Web and HTML

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Web commonly referred to as www or World Wide Web is a collection of web sites or web pages stored in web servers that are connected to local computers through the internet. These websites contains images, texts, audios, videos, etc.. which can be further accessed by the users through the internet while sitting in any corner of the world. The content can be accessed by the different users through computers, laptops, mobile phones , tablets, etc..

The building blocks of the web are known as web pages which are further formatted in HTML and connected by links called "hypertext" or hyperlinks and accessed by HTTP.

Web Development refers to creating, developing and maintaining the website over the internet. It includes various aspects such as web designing, web publishing, web programming etc..

Web Servers are the computers where the web content is stored. The primary objective of any web server is to collect, process and provide web pages to the users.

The different types of web servers are as follows:-

  1. Apache HTTP Server:- It is an open source, accessible web server available for all operating systems like Windows, MacOS etc.. It is one of the most popular web server used across the world.

  2. Nginx Web Server:- Nginx is an open-source web server commonly used by administrators as it supports light resource application and scalability.

  3. Live Server:- It is a development server with live reload capacity.

Introduction to HTML HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to design web pages using markup language. It is the most basic language which is easy to learn, read and modify. It is the combination of both hypertext and markup language.

Basic Structure of an HTML Document:-

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Below is the explanation of the tags used in the above code snippet:-

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>:- This tag is used to tell the current version of HTML. Here it is 5.0 version.
  2. <html> </html>:- It is the root element of the html.
  3. <head> </head>:- It contains the metadata. The data stored in this tag is not displayed to the user. It is used for reference purpose only.
  4. <body> </body>:- All the content that we see on the browser is contained within this tag only.

Tags in HTML:-

  • heading tag:- It is represented as <h> tag. It has both opening and closing tag. It defines heading for an HTML document from level 1 to level 6.
<h1>This is a level 1 heading</h1>
<h6>This is a level 6 heading</h6>
  • paragraph tag:- It is represented as <p> tag. It has both opening and closing tag. It is used to represent a paragraph in html document.
<p> This is a paragraph. We can add as many lines as we want </p>
  • img tag:- It is represented as <img> tag. It is used to embed an image in an html document. It has two required attributes:-

    src:-It specifies path to the image.

    alt:-It specifies alternate text to the image, if the image is not displayed.

<img src="picture.jpg" alt="picture to be displayed" width="500" height="600">
  • anchor tag:- It is represented as <a> tag. It defines the hyperlink, which is used to link one page to another.
<a href="">Google</a>